Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Centenarian Won't Be Caught Napping

Saskatchewan centenarian Phyllis Perkins was excused from jury duty because serving as a juror would likely "interrupt her nap time." [Montreal Gazette]
The Saskatoon resident
(born in 1903) meets the only legal requirements in that province for jury duty: being an adult and living in the judicial district.

Pity she's excused from serving. Ms Perkins might have set a whole new trend: Regular snooze time for judges and juries. Imagine what that could do for our moribund justice system.

Forget Radar Traps -- Just Use Goats

No goats on the 401 (Canada's busiest highway linking Montreal with Toronto) provided a Swiss visitor with an excuse for driving 61 km/hr over the speed limit. [Montreal Gazette]

He told police that he figured it was okay to speed because he was unlikely to hit a goat.

Hmm. Guess that driver has never seen Canada's main weapon in the fight to slow speeders: the Moose.